Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Fly Fishing Gear Swap/Sale or FF2GS/S

Do you have plans for April 23, 2016 between 10 AM and whenever?  If so, good luck with all of your endeavors and it had better be fishing related!  If you answered no to this question, then I would like to extend an invite to attend a fly fishing gear swap meet/sale.  Fishermen are invited to bring unused and unwanted fishing gear to either trade, sell, or straight up give away.  Maybe you have some old tackle that you ran across during spring cleaning or maybe you just want to get rid of some things that you don't use.  Possibly, you are on the other end of the spectrum and in search of some fishing equipment or you are just searching for a bargain on something that you don't even know you need yet.  Regardless, this is for you and it is provided by Rainbow Fly Shop in Independence, Missouri.  So bring some cash, bring some fishing gear that you are looking to unload, bring a table to display your equipment, and lastly bring a vehicle with some cleared out space to haul your new-found treasures home.

Also, for those of you looking to purchase some new fishing equipment, a sales representative from Echo/Lamson/Airflo will be in attendance as well.  New models of rods, reels, and line will be on display and available for demos.  For what it is worth (and I am knot getting paid for this) I love my new Echo 6 weight and I recently bought some 8 wt. Airflo fly line which I have not used yet but will be writing about when I get a chance.  There will also be some sales inside the shop on other new items so if you can't find it on April 23, you might not need it!  I hope to see you there for this unique and fun event.

Waterworks Lamson


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