Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Russ Maddin

I was checking out my Instagram feed the other day and ran across a fly pattern that was called "Krakken" and it really caught my attention.  The materials really caught my eye for a few reasons.  I LOVE to tie with schlappen, rabbit strips, and marabou.  I also like weighted articulated flies as well especially ones that call for a TMC 8089 hook.  I really like the wide gap on this hook and it seems to get some really good hook-ups when it comes to white bass, hybrid stripers, and largemouth bass.   I'm really excited to tie this fly and hope you find some time on the vice as well.  Feel free to send me pictures of your very own Krakken and I will be sure to do the same when I get around to turning some of these monsters out.

More information about this fly.
Link: https://ozarkflyfisherjournal.wordpress.com/2014/07/16/maddins-blended-krakken-tied-by-alex-lafkas/

More patterns from Russ Maddin.
Link: http://www.pacificfly.com/products_subcat.aspx?cat=Flies&subcat=Flies+designed+by+Russ+Maddin


  1. I first found out about and fished the Kraken soon after I began fishing with Russ Maddin in the late 1990's. It was a great fly at the start, as was his Circus Peanut. Who knew they would become such famous patterns! Both are just so super productive on trout.I introduced George Daniel to Russ at the Outdoor life games, where Russ was my partner, and soon after George visited Russ up in Michigan he had a license plate that read KREKEN! Nuff' said!

    Mark Sedotti

    1. That is amazing! Those are all incredible stories. So cool! Thanks for commenting and visiting the site!
