Friday, January 31, 2020
Artwork Goes Up on the Wall!
I finally got some of my artwork/woodworking modified and up on the wall! A few months ago I made some stuff, tried to sell some stuff, didn't sell some stuff, and then some stuff laid around for awhile. Then the stuff went on the wall! The rainbow trout silhouette started off being torched but I made the mistake of over-torching it and then made the mistake of trying to paint a pretty pink stripe on it. Apparently I can't do pink or stripes. To make a long story short, I spray painted it black. The state of Missouri turned out pretty good and I'm darn proud of it. Finally, the brown trout is now my favorite. I added the black and red spots after it wouldn't sell on my Etsy store and I really like how it gives the fish a nice but subtle extra touch.
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Leisenring Spider
Who doesn't like a small, simple soft hackle fly?!? These are fun to fish and you really can't fish them wrong. You an fish them like a dry, like a wet, or like a streamer. This is always a good type of fly to have in your box and a great way to beat the monotony of staring at a dry that doesn't get eaten or an indicator that doesn't go down.
TightlineVideo YouTube Channel:
TightlineVideo YouTube Channel:
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Axe Throwing Target for my Son
When my son said that he wanted a hatchet for his birthday, then by golly he's going to get a hatchet! That was easy! I walked into Bass Pro and bought him a hatchet. It seemed a little too easy to be honest. I didn't feel like that was enough and I felt like I had other fatherly duties that demanded my attention. The next logical thing I though was is to build him a throwing target to go along with his hatchet. This was a cheap and easy project that was done in about an hour. I bought a twelve foot, 2 X 10 board and cut it into three feet pieces that were four pieces long. I then connected them together with a 2 X 4 at the top and bottom of each strip. Finally, I used a nail, string, and magnum sharpie to make the rings and a red sharpie to color in the bull's eye. Aside from being target practice with his hatchet, he can also throw his ninja stars into it which he got for Christmas. Yes, maybe it's a little overkill but if it keeps him off the video games for awhile and gets him outdoors then it was a simple labor that was worth it!
I almost forgot to mention the reason why he wants a hatchet. We are currently reading Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. If you are a parent of a child in upper elementary or lower middle school and you are looking for a good book to read with your child, I cannot recommend this book enough. It DOES have a few adult themes in it like divorce so you might want to preread it first. However, the overall theme of problem solving and dealing with adversity is really empowering to a young adult. And yes, the main character uses a hatchet to do some pretty awesome things!
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Squirmy Alevin - Secret Weapon for Michigan Steelhead and Trout
It is rare to see a really innovative or original idea in fly tying, but this fly checks both boxes. I will give a disclaimer though. The use of this rubber/silicone/synthetic material in a fly is highly controversial in some places. If you check the regulations for different zones in trout parks here in Missouri, you might find that this fly is allowed in some zones and not in others. I just don't want anyone to get into any hot water as a result of giving this fly a try! I could see this as an outstanding smallmouth pattern and probably a good largemouth fly as well!
Nomad Anglers YouTube Channel:
Nomad Anglers YouTube Channel:
Monday, January 27, 2020
How To Cast Sinking Fly Lines | Learn to Fly Fish
If you fish sinking lines, this video might give you some helpful pointers and serve as a nice refresher course before the spring hits. If you're like me and don't fish sinking lines but should probably learn at some point, this is a nice starting point and might be the catalyst you need to start your journey. It's never too late to learn a new fishing strategy and better anglers seem to have more tricks in their game!
The New Fly Fisher YouTube Channel:
The New Fly Fisher YouTube Channel:
Friday, January 24, 2020
Worm on a String- Part 1
Technically, the "orginal dragon tail" came from a cheap child's toy. After they gained in popularity, big fly tying got involved, made a comparable material and jacked up the price. As many of us know, you can get tying materials on the cheap if you buy your materials from someone other than a fly tying company. For example, you can buy foam at craft stores and pull dubbing off the family dog and you'll save some dough. So in keeping with our cost saving ventures, I present to you a cheap alternative to dragon tails. I give you Amazon's knock off- "worm on a string".
You might remember this toy. It is a long, fluffy and flimsy material that has a couple of googly eyes on the front. It is also attached to a thin piece of fishing line (ironic) which allows the user to move the "worm" but it looks like it is moving on its own. Here's a tutorial and visual example if you need one.
You can see that you have a lot of color options. However, the draw back is that most of the time they come in assortments and you're going to get 6-8 colors, but you're not going to just get the once color that you might want. On the other hand, you have some party favors that you can give away and I'm not kidding. I plan on giving the "bad" colors out at my oldest son's birthday party in a week.
Here is the Orvis option on Amazon. You can just search "dragon tail fly tying" and you'll find a few options. I will say that the word on the street is that this product is more durable than the cheap version. You can also buy the one color you want and not end up with a bunch of wacky colors you don't want.
Here's what I bought. You can search "worm on a string" on amazon and get the same results I did. I mainly bought them for the chartreuse, green, and purple ones. I'll probably give the pink ones away. I plan on following up on this post after I turn out a few flies. I also need to test the out a little because I hear the material pretty much falls apart after a few fish. For that reason, I am going to keep the patterns simple so they don't take much time to tie or replace. If they are indeed pretty fragile, then I will just strip the hook with a razor and retie on the same hook with new materials.
Now it's time for a math lesson. With the Orvis version, you can get 5 of these tails for $4 on the low end (less desirable colors) or for $8 (better colors). That is $0.80 and $1.60 respectively. On the other hand, you can buy the cheaper version for $8.19 and pay $6 in shipping for a total of $14.18. You get 24 worms at $0.59 each. You can save more if you buy in bulk, but I am saving between $0.20 and $1 per fly depending on colors. Now if you don't want some of the colors in the assortment, then that would cause the cost per worm to increase as a result. I'm not sure if the savings is worth the lack in quality, but if there isn't a difference then I might end up selling these on my Etsy store, I'm thinking it will be worth it! Feel free to give this a try yourself, but I will be posting about this in the future and keeping you updated on my results. I just might have to buy the Orvis version as well to see if there is a difference in quality and if so, how big of a difference. Until then, pick some up and give them a shot. I would love to hear from some folks and get their feedback. Feel free to comment below or leave a comment on the Facbook page.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Super Jerk
While this is an articulated fly, it's actually pretty straight forward and simple. For me, I would have to substitute something for the UV resin that wouldn't be too hard.
Fly Fishing the Ozarks YouTube Channel:
Fly Fishing the Ozarks YouTube Channel:
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Fly Tying: Spin Jigs by Gunnar Brammer
Gunnar Brammer (YouTube star and incredible fly tyer) has developed a series of videos dedicated to tying flies on jig hooks. The series is directed toward people using spinning gear, but i think you could throw some on fly rods depending on the amount of the lead and the weight of the rod. Seeing as how many fly fishermen were spin fishermen first, I thought you boys and girls would dig this. This would also be a great way to get kids started fly tying. Everything is bigger and thus easier to see and the materials are pretty easy to work with as well. The weather stinks (around here at least) so you might as well get in front of the vise and play with some new patterns.
Link to Gunnar Brammer's YouTube Channel:
Link to Gunnar Brammer's YouTube Channel:
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Dry Fly Giant Brook Trout | Labrador
If you need to be reminded that warm weather still exists and prettier days of fly fishing lie ahead, then this video should give you both. Also, if you are like me and you have a deep appreciation for the beauty of a brook trout, then you'll dig this video as well. And finally, if you're like me and struggle to find thirty minutes to devote to a video on your phone/computer, then feel free to skip some of the potentially long-winded parts to get to the good stuff. And by good stuff, I mean catching and releasing fish!
The New Fly Fisher YouTube Channel:
The New Fly Fisher YouTube Channel:
Monday, January 20, 2020
Fly Tying Tutorial: Flymen Big Game Needlefish
Do you need a fun and challenging fly to tie? Try this little devil out. Obviously, it's a saltwater pattern but I bet largemouth, pike, and musky would smash this fella as well.
Link to Flymen Fishing Company YouTube Channel:
Link to Flymen Fishing Company YouTube Channel:
Friday, January 17, 2020
Rabbit Jig Steamer
I like flies that are simple and effective but it's sometimes fun to add a challenging little element to keep you on your toes. This fly incorporates a dubbing loop but instead of putting dubbing in the loop, you use a section of rabbit hair from a zonker strip to create a collar for this fly. That's a fun twist rather than just using schlappen or webby hackle. Overall, this looks like a fun and effective fly that you could also tie streamer style instead of on a jig hook!
Link to Fly Fish Food YouTube Channel:
Link to Fly Fish Food YouTube Channel:
Thursday, January 16, 2020
My Graduate Program Has Started
There is not an easy way to put this guys/gals, so let's get right to it; my graduate class has started and you've probably noticed already. This class is taking up some of the time that I was able to devote to this blog and I'm probably going to miss a day here an yesterday. I promise that I will do my best to continue to provide almost daily content, but I'm going to miss a few days here and there, and for that, I'm sorry.
If you have no idea as to what I am talking about, here's an excerpt from a post that I published last November. Hopefully this irons things out!
As a public school teacher (no, I do not make a fortune being a fly fishing blogger), I receive annual raises for two reasons. One is for years of service and the other is for furthering my education. I have two bachelor's degrees and a master's degree but I will no longer receive any raises due to the way our pay scale is structured. Please don't take that as complaining, it's just the way it is and I have seen this coming for a while now. This is what prompted me to apply to a graduate school program. Specifically, I applied to the University of Central Missouri and the Instructional Technology Education Specialist Degree that they offer. If you didn't know, this is a degree between a master's and doctorate. It's a goofy thing, I know.
On Wednesday, I received an email informing me that I had been accepted into the program! Now this is good and bad news. On one hand, I can start working toward additional raises and have a better income, and this is going to make me a better teacher. On the flip side, I will be taking college classes for the first time in fifteen years and paying about $15,000 for the opportunity to do so. This also means that I am going to need to scale back some of me Show Me Fly Guy activities that I have taken on and love with all of my heart. I am going to do my best to bring you content on a daily basis Monday through Friday on the blog but the YouTube videos will probably become less frequent. Until my classes start, hopefully you won't notice much of a change, but there will be days that I miss like yesterday as I prep for classes. I promise I will do my best to update the site and I would greatly appreciate your patience as I try to navigate through everything. You guys are the best and your views are what keep me posting! Thank you for your support!
On Wednesday, I received an email informing me that I had been accepted into the program! Now this is good and bad news. On one hand, I can start working toward additional raises and have a better income, and this is going to make me a better teacher. On the flip side, I will be taking college classes for the first time in fifteen years and paying about $15,000 for the opportunity to do so. This also means that I am going to need to scale back some of me Show Me Fly Guy activities that I have taken on and love with all of my heart. I am going to do my best to bring you content on a daily basis Monday through Friday on the blog but the YouTube videos will probably become less frequent. Until my classes start, hopefully you won't notice much of a change, but there will be days that I miss like yesterday as I prep for classes. I promise I will do my best to update the site and I would greatly appreciate your patience as I try to navigate through everything. You guys are the best and your views are what keep me posting! Thank you for your support!
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Fly Fishing Film Tour
The Fly Fishing Film Tour is headed back to Missouri and many other parts of the country as well! Here are the dates and locations for Missouri and Kansas but for more specifics, just click on the link below.
Overland Park, Kansas- Wednesday, Feb. 26
St. Louis, Missouri- Tuesday, March 17
Overland Park, Kansas- Wednesday, Feb. 26
St. Louis, Missouri- Tuesday, March 17
Monday, January 13, 2020
Progressive® Insurance Kansas City Boat & Sportshow® Recap & Highlights
At the risk of sounding hyperbolic, this was the best Kansas City Boat & Sportshow that I have ever attended! There were new exhibits and exhibitors and the weather didn't seem to scare people away. Here are some of highlights of the least to me!
Kayaks! Kayaks were everywhere it seemed like! Not only that, but they are becoming more advanced and have more options than ever. From automated anchors, to LED light bars, and different means of propulsion, if you are a kayak enthusiast, there was plenty to drool over and marvel at!
The trout pond was back and was free again! This is always a good draw and while I didn't see anyone catch anything, it was just nice to be close to some fish for the first time in awhile.
I didn't talk to these folks but this truck was impressive with it's versatility! It's not hard to imagine camping out in this thing in some Missouri wilderness!
Now these guys were awesome to talk to! The Pomme de Terre chapter of Muskies Inc., works to promote muskie fishing and conservation in Missouri as well as educate the public on fishing for muskies as well. You'll be reading more about these guys in an upcoming post! Here's a link to their site if you can't wait and want to learn more on your own:
This little boat caught my eye and amazed me with some of its engineering. I saw it at the Sportsman's Outfitter and Marine exhibit and it is built by Blue Sky Boatworks (a division of Jackson Kayak. It is called the 360 Angler and has a pedal driven prop system. The rudder is controlled by handles on the side of the seat, and is stable enough to stand on. The wheels allow you to drag it up and down a boat ramp and easily lift up to be out of the way while on the water! Here's a link to Sportsman's Outfitter and Marine as well as Blue Sky Boatworks.
This is another kayak from Sportsman's Outfitter and Marine. It is designed specifically for fly fishermen. You can see the padded place for the reel and a slot that the fly rod fits into! A rod would basically run the full length of the kayak and there is also a strap that secures it to the vessel.
Last, but certainly not least was an amazing presentation by James Dill. James is a fishing guide on Lake of the Ozarks and owner of Crock-O-Gator Bait Company. He put on a heck of a presentation about soft plastics and specifically Ned rigs and shakey head worms. I personally watched him catch 2 bass out of the hog trough and was in awe of his skills. Again, you will be reading more about him in the future, but feel free to check out his guide service page and the Crock-O-Gator page.
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This bass actually has a lure in his mouth but hasn't been hooked yet! |
Friday, January 10, 2020
Beautiful Artwork
Walter Foster (owner, operator, artist extraordinaire) does some amazing work that you have to see and will probably admire. Aside from being a guide and founder of Park City Trout Tales (outfitter), he is also an amazing artist. I could sit here an type a bunch of words that communicate how pretty his artwork is, but you just need to see it for yourself!
Etsy Store Link:
Park City Trout Tales Site:
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Clouser Minnow - Fly Tying Tutorial by Bob Clouser
This video first appeared to me on the Frankenfly site, so I wanted to give credit where it is due. It was also too good to not share! This is a great fly that is tied by an amazing fisherman who is also the creator of said fly. Without further adieu, here is tying the Clouser Minnow with Bob Clouser.
Link to Fly Fishing Journeys YouTube Channel:
Link to Fly Fishing Journeys YouTube Channel:
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Another New Fly on Etsy
It is my absolute pleasure to announce a new fly that is for sale at the Etsy store. This fly was created and developed by my good friend Tom Phipps. It has caught everything from carp to trout and bass to catfish. When it is worked two feet below a float (when fish are feeding shallow that is), it is killer. If you need another 1/80 ounce jig for your fly box, which can catch just about anything that can swim, just click the link below and order a few!
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Progressive® Insurance Kansas City Boat & Sportshow® Ticket Giveaway & Discount!
Link to Contest:
Monday, January 6, 2020
Bennett Spring Scuba Video
I would venture to say that most of the folks that read this blog have at least heard the name Bennett Spring State Park and many of us have probably been there. Well whether you have or haven't visited this Missouri treasure, here is an interesting perspective of a spring fed trout stream. You might not look at the spring the same way after seeing this!
Link to YouTube Channel where this video came from:
Link to YouTube Channel where this video came from:
Friday, January 3, 2020
Coming Soon: Progressive® Insurance Kansas City Boat & Sportshow®
Alright boys and girls, it is time to mark your calendars for the upcoming Progressive Insurance Kansas City Boat and Sportshow! It runs next Thursday through Sunday (Jan. 9-12) and show times are below. This show is an amazing experience and there is something for every outdoor enthusiast! If you have been in the past, please know that the show brings in some new things every year. And if you have never been, trust me, you're going to see (and maybe experience) some amazing things. There is watercraft, hunting, fishing, and other exhibitors and vendors. You can buy a boat, book a hunting trip, and plan a fishing excursion all in short amount of time while seeing some innovative products you won't find at local stores. The bottom line is that it is just plain fun!
If you haven't caught on to my hints, I have been asked by the show promoters to write about this show. With that being said, please know that I accepted this request because I have been going to this show since I was in second grade. It has a pretty special place in my heart. My dad used to sell conversion vans at this show and I got to run wild with my buddy Bryan while he worked. I've continued to attend the show on and off during adulthood and this will be my second year of documenting my experience with the show. I'll be sharing some pictures, stories, products and hopefully interviews as well. Don't get me wrong, next week's posts will include material about other topics as well, so things will be "business as usual" but I will also try to provide the best content that I can about the show! You can find show details below.
- Official Name: Progressive® Insurance Kansas City Boat & Sportshow®
- Highlights:
- New! Paddle Sports Pool, where attendees can get their feet wet checking out demos and testing a new Hobie or Jackson Kayak. Seminars and open paddle times will be posted on-site.
- New! Career Day, where students and job seekers can get career advice and hear about job openings from marine business professionals on Friday, Jan. 10.
- New! The Show Me Stage, where attendees can hear from fishing experts and watch fishing and casting demonstrations.
- Back by Popular Demand! Fred’s Shed, offering do-it-yourself enthusiasts and boat owners the chance to hear professional, practical advice on maintaining, repairing and upgrading your boat or motor.
- Boats & Brews, featuring live music, craft beer tastings and more on Friday, Jan. 10 from 5-9 p.m. Tickets will be available online.
- The Hawg Trough, a 5,000-gallon, fully stocked fishing demo tank with seminars from pro anglers – a chance to see firsthand how fish react to various rods and bait.
- KC Food Truck Mafia, serving up tasty, unique fare inside of Bartle Hall during the show from a variety of local food trucks.
- Willow Creek Trout Pond, where little ones can practice their angling skills for free, reeling in live trout.
- Dates/Times:
- Thursday, Jan. 9, 2-9 p.m.
- Friday, Jan. 10, Noon-9 p.m.
- Saturday, Jan. 11, 10 a.m.-9 p.m.
- Sunday, Jan. 12, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Show Location: Bartle Hall, 301 W 13th St. Kansas City, MO 64105
- Tickets: Tickets are $12 for adults, and children under 12 are free.
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