Monday, December 7, 2015

Practical Jokes

My buddies and I hunted pretty hard during the first weekend of deer season.  We even hunted Sunday evening, which we rarely do, in a last ditch effort to put one more buck in the back of a truck.  Alas, it wasn't meant to be, and we all returned home weary from the weekend which is always strange to me how sitting on your rear in the woods and purposefully NOT moving around or making any noise can wear you out, but I digress.  We all arrived at our respective homes, unloaded, and prepared for a transition to the "real world" the following day.  The next day came and went with the occasional email or text that said, "I sure miss hunting" or "It sure would be nice to be back in the woods today".  But we all made it through the day and started to settle back into our respective routines and daily grinds.  Part of my daily routine is picking up my youngest son from daycare on my way home.  I got out of my truck, gathered his diaper bag and bottles, and was headed around the back of my truck to the passenger side with him in my arms when I looked at what I thought was the bumper of my truck.  For a moment, I thought I was at the wrong vehicle (in my defense, it was a long day and I was still thinking more about deer hunting than parking spots) because there was a bumper sticker on this particular truck.  I did not have a bumper sticker so I looked up to see where my truck was only to find out that this WAS my truck...with a newly procured addition.  You can imagine my shock when I saw the sticker pictured above that now adorned my pickup.

Many thoughts went through my head, like "Does my truck really have a sticker on it calling me a girl?  Who the heck did this?  How long has this thing been on my truck?  Who the heck did this?  Is this thing going to come off easily?  Who the heck did this?"

I found out who did it and we shared a good laugh.  He had actually planned this out for a few years and finally found his window to see it through.  You have to admire that dedication and follow through!  The sticker came off easily and didn't cause any permanent damage so that softened the blow to my ego.

I am in the process of constructing a retaliation and during my brainstorming sessions, I started to wonder about others' stories.  I am sure that there are some good stories out there that you guys have so let's hear them.  Feel free to leave a story in the comments section below.  I bet there are some doozies out there so don't keep them to yourselves.

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