Is there anything that makes optimism and excitement swell inside you like driving towards a fishing spot? It is something that all of us have probably felt (since you are probably a fisherman if you are reading a fly fishing blog) but we sometimes overlook or fail to appreciate. I don't know about you, but trying to anticipate where the fish will be and what the conditions will look when I reach the water, get parts of my mind processing information, recalling past experiences, and forming solutions that would rival the speed of a supercomputer. It also seems the further you have to drive, the more you start to formulate a plan for the day. This plan might be partially implemented while you fish, but most of time, the plan gets thrown out the window and we adjust to what the fish tell us. For example, I had grandiose ideas about fishing with a scud in deep holes at Bennett, only to find large schools of fish located at the top of the holes so I used a nymph instead. Memories come rushing back to you and you can almost smell the water even when you are still 50 miles away from your destination. This feeling of excitement can also be magnified if you have too much coffee. The point is, ONE of the best parts of the trip is sometimes found in the anticipation of the fishing and all of the feelings that come along with going fishing.
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