Tuesday, October 15, 2024

If You're Too Busy to Go Fishing, Then You are Too Busy!

I have indeed been too busy!  I haven't hit the water a lot lately so I haven't had a lot of content to post about.  To give you a small taste of how busy I have been, here is a small list of things that have kept me from fishing.  I'm sure you will be able to relate to a few items.
  1. Work
  2. Sick kid
  3. Piano lessons (youngest child)
  4. Soccer practice (oldest  (oldest child)child)
  5. Soccer game
  6. Soccer practice (youngest child)
  7. Soccer game (youngest child)
  8. Part time jobs to compensate for inflation
  9. A truck that broke down
  10. Lawn care 
  11. Lawn care machinery that broke down
  12. Boat maintenance
  13. A lack of sleep
  14. Shorter days which mean less time to fish
I could continue, but you get the idea.  Please don't take that list as me complaining...actually, you can take it that way if you want...but that's life, right?  Things happen.  Life gets busy and sometimes to a degree that is out of your control.  Life is like a yin yang.  There is good mixed with bad.  There is way too busy mixed with too much time on your hands.  I've leaned on a few sayings lately and they are:

Tough times don't last, but tough people do.
It is always darkest right before the dawn.

I have a few outings that I have been fortunate enough to plan and I will have more fishing content soon.  Until then, I hope you are able to hit the water and make some solid memories.  When I get the chance to do the same, I will be sure to share some stories with you. 

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