Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Dad's Trout Stamps

Some time ago, my dad gave me all of his old fishing licenses and trout stamps.  Now for you whippernsnappers that don't know, back in the day you had to purchase an actual trout stamp to legally trout fish.  I never had an actual stamp of my own, but somehow I still refer to my trout fishing permit as my trout stamp.  Weird, I know.  Even though I wasn't around for actual stamps, I can certainly appreciate their beauty and craftsmanship.  I've heard stories about guys that would get excited to see what the new stamp looked like for the year and the debates that would follow upon passing judgement.  I wish things were still like this.  It seems like we have sacrificed fun traditions and artistry for the sake of technology and simplicity in some cases, with this being a prime example.  Anyhow, I decided to put these old stamps on display and give them back to my dad for his birthday recently.  I thought some of you might dig seeing some examples of our fishing traditions of the past and some might see some stamps that look familiar from back in the day!

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