Monday, July 1, 2024

Fishing With My Wife


I was reminded of a simple fact yesterday; I love fishing with my wife. We had not shared a boat in a long time but I have fished with a lot of other folks lately. Between the two facts, it would appear that absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder.

Wendy first brought up the idea of hitting that water last Thursday. I was caught a little off guard since it was close to her birthday. I assumed that she would want to participate in activities other than fishing but she sure keeps me on my toes. I sprang to action and started to design an outing that would surely contain success. The last thing that I wanted was for her to have a fishing trip with her husband that was less than fun and successful. 

I checked my weather app and things looked promising. The temperatures were going to be in the 70’s and the wind was going to be minimal. In top of that, I decided to take her to Watkins Mill because I have fished there a lot lately and felt like I had a handle on where some fish were. On the other hand, our trip was going to fall after some rainfall and a cold front. These two factors can be disheartening and intimidating to an angler. However, I realized that most of the time we, as anglers, fish when we get to, not just when the conditions are optimal. 

We arrived at Watkins Mill, yesterday, around mid morning. While sleeping in felt good, the tardy start felt like another obstacle that was going to try to thwart a solid outing. The only option was to wet some lines and see if we could crack the fishing code.

To make a short story shorter, we started catching fish pretty quickly. We were fishing small jigs under strike indicators and caught a few 8 inch bluegill early in our excursion. Over the course of the morning, we caught nice bluegill and a few redear sunfish. This method certainly catches a lot of small fish. We had fun with the nonstop action and just enjoyed catching fish. While the size didn’t matter a lot, it was still my hope to hook into a decent bass or catfish because this method can produce both. Alas, that never happened but the action never really can to a stop.

We caught fish until we were tired of catching fish. We smiled and laughed constantly and enjoyed the day. The weather was nice, the fish were biting, and the company could not have been better. The fishing and conservation was effortless and fun. It is also noteworthy that today is my wife’s birthday. While she have done whatever SHE wanted to do over the weekend, she chose to do something that we enjoy together and, if I am being honest, something that I enjoy doing more that she does. Happy birthday to the best wife in the world that is also my soulmate. I will share a boat with you anytime and hopefully we have many more days like this for many years to come! I love you!

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