Wednesday, July 3, 2019

A New Fly is Quickly Becoming a Favorite

Last Friday I wrote about a new fly that I am selling at my Etsy store.  It's a mop-style fly that I used to catch some to catch some trout down at Bennett Spring and it worked really well for me.  I tell you that so I can tell you this because this.

The other day I was at my favorite HOA pond and curiosity started to get the better of me when the fishing was slow.  It started with the simple notion that many fly fishermen from the Midwest know: most trout flies work on bluegill as well.  So, in order to satisfy my wondering, I asked my girlfriend to tie on my little bath mat/mop fly.  We proceeded to discover that it these bath mat/mop flies work on panfish as well!  She caught green sunfish, small bass, and hybrid bluegill on this fly.  Needless to say, this baby is quickly becoming a favorite of mine and might even get its own row in one of my fly boxes!  To get a better view of this fly or to order some, please click the link below.


  1. This new fly needs a proper name.....

    1. I can't think of a better guy than you to name this thing buddy! For what it is worth, the pink part came from a mat/carpet that an 8th grade girl was using in her locker at my school. It was about to get thrown in the trash at the end of the year.

  2. Ok Tyler my choice for this fly...and you can veto Laser can identify variations by color, like the chartreuse Laser Bream, or green Laser bream, etc...have fun and I will place my order for some as well as some John Deere Jigs.
