Monday, July 29, 2019

Cody's First Fish & Mason Gets on a Roll

Meet Cody.  He's energetic, emotional, stubborn, and hilarious.  He's four years old and my youngest son.  He's got a lot of me in him and that can be good and bad at times.  With that being said, the kid has drive.  When he decides that he's going to do something, especially on his own, by golly you better stay out of his way.  I write that because you need a little background to get a better understanding of what happened last Saturday night.

So there we were; on a farm pond, fishing, eating snacks, and having a good time.  I caught a couple, and my oldest son caught a couple.  Since the fish were biting, I'm pretty sure this sparked young Cody's interest a little.  After seeing the "big boys" catch some small bass on plastic worms, Cody decided he wanted to give it a try.  We were drifting along a bank and not even needing to cast.  We were just dropping worms to the bottom and jigging them a little as we drifted.  Cody already knew the basics of a rod and had reeled in fish before but never on his own.  After a little instruction, he started working his plastic worm on the bottom.  It took all of 5 seconds for his lure to get SMASHED by a small bass.  Like a pro, he pulled and reeled with all of his might.  With a little help from big brother at the front of the boat (he lipped it), Cody hook and reeled in his first fish.  To say this was a momentous occasion and proud father moment is an understatement.  This one is going in the memory banks for sure and you might even be seeing a video in the near future as well.  Thanks for reading and putting up with my proud dad bragging moment.

Also, I would be remiss if I didn't mention Mason's accomplishment.  While Mason has caught a few fish on his own, he's never caught five bass in such a short amount of time.  We must have ran into a school that lived in a ten yard by ten yard area and for about fifteen minutes, he absolutely nailed them!  It's so much fun to watch him get excited and be so independent.  He also graduated from a push button baitcaster to a medium-heavy action spinning rod. 

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