Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Finally, a Big Bass in 2019

Meet Jim.  He's been my buddy since we met in 8th grade.  Through thick and thin, we have always remained friends and to this day we enjoy every second that we get to spend together.  We tell old jokes, come up with newer and even dumber ones, and our faces are sore the next day from smiling so much.

Recently, Jim has had some challenging experiences in his life.  This has prompted us to spend a little more time on the water than what is normal for us.  Truth be told, the outdoors, the peace and quiet, and the sense of adventure that comes along with fishing has done him some good and given him some perspective on life.  It is also important to note that Jim is not as passionate and experienced in fishing as me.  That's not a humble brag or anything, it's just the truth.  He loves to play pool, collect sports memorabilia, and watch sports.  I love fishing, fishing, and fishing.  Don't get me wrong, he REALLY likes to catch fish, it's just he still has a lot of learning to do but he's catching on quickly.  In fact, he's catching on so fast that he managed to boat the biggest bass of 2019 so far between my buddies and I.  He landed this hog of a bass on a Texas rigged worm at a farm pond in northwest Missouri.  He fought it like a seasoned veteran and I couldn't be happier or prouder of my friend.  On a separate note, this is not the first time that I have seen mother nature bless someone that is experiencing some hardships in his or her life.  While mother nature can be cold, unrelenting, and unforgiving...she also blesses us with things that have a big impact on our lives when we need it the most!

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