Monday, November 4, 2019

Shenk's Minnow

Sometimes I like to tie simple flies.  They are usually inexpensive which lessens the pain you might feel when you lose one.  Most of the time they are easy and don't require a lot of materials.  They also don't usually require a large time commitment which means you can fill a row in your fly box faster than with simpler flies.  However, all of this is a waste if the fly isn't effective.  I like the potential this simple fly has and I can't wait to try it out.

On another note, when I first looked at this fly, it just looked like a wooly bugger without palmered hackle.  But upon closer inspection, it appears that this material is going to have a little more action than chenille.  It also looks like you can create a taper that gets thicker from the head to the body, and then thin it out as you move back towards the tail.  I like this a lot because it truly reflects how baitfish are built.  It looks like I am going to have to go and invest in some baby blanket yarn.

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