Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Flymen Fishing Company 2020 Fly Tester

Wow, just wow!  I have seen manufactured and homemade fly testers before and thought they were useful and interesting, but they just seemed too bulky or inefficient.  Then I saw a video from Brian Wise (see below) unboxing the Flymen Fishing Company 2020 Fly Tester and giving it an admittedly bias review.  I'll be honest, I'm sold and will be asking for one for Christmas.  At a price of only $150, I see this thing as actually having a few uses.  I could use this with flies that my middle school students tie, flies that my sons tie, and flies that I tie.  I could incorporate it into fly tying videos, use it at demonstrations, or use it to create small videos which could advertise flies I sell on Etsy.  I could also just set a fly in the tank and leave it running as a show-piece in my house!  How cool is that!  It is small, simple, and effective and I need one!

Link to Flymen Fishing Company 2020 Fly Tester:

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