Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Oddities From Fishing on Lake Remembrance Last Night

My buddy Corey and I were able to sling some flies around Lake Remembrance in Blue Springs, Missouri, last night.  While we caught quite a few fish, the theme for the night was oddities.  Let me walk you through a few.

Corey's Natural Hybrid?
Toward the end of the evening, Corey hooked into what I thought was a really big redear sunfish but when he got it to the boat, it didn't have the red mark on it's gill flap or the normal markings of a redear sunfish.  After looking it over for a while, I really think that this was some sort of naturally occurring hybrid.  And if I had to go a step further, I think a bluegill mated with a redear.  I don't see any of the neon blue in the face that is usually displayed in a hybrid that involves a green sunfish which makes me think that a greenie wasn't involved in the creation of this unique specimen.  By the way, this sucker was 9 inches long!

A U-Shaped Tree
I have seen this tree for years now and I always make a special point to appreciate the fact that you don't see u-shaped trees on every lake.  I have no idea what happened to make this tree take on this shape but I sure would like to know.

A Small, Gorging Bass
Again, this isn't the strangest thing to see, but the fact that this little bass had a full belly of crawdad and still wanted my fly was kind of interesting.

We Both Completed the Northwest Missouri Slam
This is a goofy little thing that I came up with but a fun term to use.  You complete the slam when you catch at least four of the species of fish that heavily populate lakes and ponds in Northwest Missouri.  You can catch channel catfish, green sunfish, bluegill, redear sunfish, bass, crappie, or crappie to complete the slam.  I managed to catch a greenie, a redear, a bass, and a bluegill.

I Landed an Above Average Redear
This dude went over 9 inches and put up a heck of a fight.  I wish we had more redear like this in Missouri because they will put up a fight!

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