Wednesday, June 1, 2016

So You're Telling Me There's a Chance- Asian Carp on the Fly Update

If you didn't get a chance to read the post about Asian Carp, you can find it in the archive on the ride side of this page.  If you don't feel like going to the trouble to read it before reading this (and I totally understand if you don't) let me give you this gist of the story.  I snagged (purposefully) an Asian Carp that went a little over 17 pounds in a pond that a buddy of mine owns.  In the story, I wrote that I didn't know the species of the carp and that I didn't think that they could be caught on a fly because they are filter feeders and forage on plankton.  Then a reader and follower of this blog showed up with some answers that I wanted to pass along.  Thank you to Jeff Dannaldson for his patronage, information, and comments.  

1. This particular species of Asian Carp is a silver carp.  He said that you can tell from the keel along its belly.  

2. Apparently, you can go after Asian Carp with a fly rod and boy am I glad to know that I am pumped to apply what I have learned from the site Jeff passed along.  Here's the site that goes into detail in regards to chasing these suckers with a fly rod but I will also give a brief overview below if you don't have the time or desire to read it (again, I get it, we are all busy). 

1. Go small.  These fish feed on small things so use small flies.

2. Natural colors like white, grey, black, and tan are good choices.  On the other hand, chartreuse can work too and takes can be easily spotted.

3. Approach with caution.  These fish spook easily even though have have few if any natural predators.  Approach them like you are hunting them and be economical with you casts.  You might only get a cast or two if you are lucky so every one counts.

4. Finally, and this is a little obvious, but if they are feeding on the surface then use a dry fly.  However, if they are foraging right under the surface, then use a slow sinking fly that will get right in front of their faces.  They might eat your fly and you won't even know it so I am going to suggest you use the best polarized sunglasses you can.


  1. My insanity is that I want to hook one of these beasts with a fixed-line carp rod. It's like tenkara turned up to 11!
