Friday, January 4, 2019

Kansas City Boat and Sportshow

Something big happened to me over Christmas Break and that I have been really excited to tell you guys about.  I received an email from the public relations folks that promote the Kansas City Boat & Sportshow a few weeks ago and I blew it off as spam.  I shouldn't have done that because the point of the email was actually a first for me.  To make a long story short, I have been invited to attend the show and write some blog posts about the experience.  While that not might sound like some sort of huge honor, it is to me!  This is the first time that someone has reached out to me and asked me to write about my experience on my website!  Typically, I am the one coming up with posts/topics and I am the one reaching out to people or entities trying to get permission or cooperation with creating content for this site.  The fact that someone else recognized the site as some sort of authority on...well, anything, is a pretty big honor.

So with that being said, you can expect to see some posts and videos about the show.  I have a list of people I want to talk to and businesses I want to learn more about and hopefully you enjoy the content.  I am trying to keep topics narrowed down to places to fish, people to fish with, and Missouri-based businesses but I won't back down for other opportunities that might arise and which might interest the followers of this site.  So with that in mind, here's a link to the show and I hope to see you there!  I'll be the one wearing a ShowMeFlyGuy shirt and shamelessly promoting this site.  Don't be a stranger and please introduce yourself should our paths cross.

Also, if you or someone you know is holding some sort of fishing-related event or wanting to promote some sort of fishing related business, please don't hesitate to get in contact with me.  I am always looking for good content for this site and would be happy to discuss some sort of collaboration with anyone wanting to team up on something.  Feel free to email me at


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