Thursday, July 1, 2021

Alternative Sources for Fly Tying Materials

The other day, I was with Wendy at Hobby Lobby looking for some wedding stuff for our upcoming nuptials this fall.  As we perused the aisles, I couldn't help but run across some materials that looked familiar.  Peacock feathers were the first to grab my attention and then there was the faux peacock.  Next, there was the pheasant tails, both dyed and natural.  Another aisle provided a plethora of cheap schlappen and yet another aisle produced mega worm material.  That's when the content of this post dawned on me!  The thesis is, you don't have to only buy fly tying materials at fly shops.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my local fly shop!  I try to support it as much as possible and they have materials that you just can't find anywhere else.  However, if I can pick up a few feathers on the cheap, then why not.  But buyer beware folks.  Sometimes, you get what you pay for.

The materials in hobby shops might not always be to the quality that you are used to.  Be especially careful of the dyes that are being used.  A lot of these dyes will come off easily and might not hold up to casting and being water logged.  There is also a caution that I have to offer in terms of getting materials for less than cheap.

I have no problem with harvesting some deer hair and squirrel tail from animals that I have shot.  In fact, I do it consistently.  What you DO need to be careful of is sources that are...sketchy.  Picking up roadkill to acquire materials is a risky proposition.  Yes, people do that and while you can freeze hides or soak skins in really hot water, be careful.  I actually heard a story once about a guy that bought a fur coat at an auction for an insanely cheap price.  He brought it home to show his wife and after her initially feeling flattered, he informed her that he planned to cut the coat into strips and use it to tie flies.  To make a long story short, they ended up having to stay in a hotel for a couple of days while their house was bug bombed.  

To summarize, support fly shops.  It's okay to sneak in some cheap purchases here and there but cheap is, well, cheap.  Finally, leave dead stuff alone.  You'll be glad you did for so many reasons.

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