Monday, September 16, 2024

Iron Fly, Presented by Frontline Fly Fishing, was Amazing!

I wanted to give a short recap on the Iron Fly that I have promoted a few times, especially since it was my first time attending the event.  I had tried to attend in the past but something always seemed to get in the way.  To say that I had a wonderful time would be a gross understatement!  The people were amazing, the events were fun, and it's just fun to hang out with like-minded folks.  There were fly tying competitions, a live auction, and a silent auction.  There was a raffle, amazing food, and time to just socialize which was really nice.  There was an amazing video that was shared that I hope to share on this site soon as well as a special presentation of a bamboo fly rod to a special member of the organization.  

I want to make sure that I make it very clear to everyone that I have never served in the military or as a frontline worker.  I haven't witnessed the tragedies that many of the members of this organization have witnessed.  Frontline Fly Fishing's goal is to connect frontline workers in a way that allows them to share their experiences and receive support from fellow members.  While I have not been a part of that component of the group, what I have witnessed is my heroes (and that's not an exaggeration) be as passionate about fly fishing and fly tying as any humans that I have ever met.  There has not been a single instance where I have ever witnessed a group member reveal their inner struggles and every time I hang out with these folks, they are nothing but happy and enthusiastic.  

What that says to me, as an outsider looking in, is that the group must me accomplishing it's mission.  That's what I see on my end at least.  The folks that are members and facilitators of Frontline Fly Fishing are as kind, warm, and welcoming as any people you will ever meet.  If you know of someone, or maybe even yourself, that would benefit from being a part of such an organization, please email me and I will put you in touch with the right folks.  I've seen this group change lives and I foresee it continuing to positively impact the lives of people for a long time.  Please email me at if you would like some contact information and/or more details about the organization.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Winter is Coming

This is your friendly reminder that fishing, in a lot of places, is going to start slowing down in the coming months.  If you need some extra motivation to hit the water this weekend, there it is.  Sure, trout streams can be fished all year long as well as lakes stocked with trout.  For me though, I live quite a ways from those places and don't get to access them as much as I would like.  If you fish warm water impoundments, the fishing should be getting better as water temps cool this fall but you will notice a sharp drop off when the temps get to a low enough temperature that fish slows fish metabolism and fish activity. 

On the other hand, if you are a deer hunter, like myself, deer seasons is going to be heating up in the next few months.  I've been checking trail cameras for a few weeks now and wanted to share some pictures that I have received.  I'm actually thinking about bowhunting for the first time in decades in an effort to extend my season and get outdoors a little more when the fishing slows down.

Regardless what you do, I hope you get outdoors this weekend to enjoy some peace and serenity.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Frontline Fly Fishing's Fundraiser Reminder: Don't Miss the Iron Fly this Saturday!


If you live in the Kansas City area, I wanted to give everyone a final reminder about the Frontline Fly Fishing Fundraiser this Saturday, September 14.  The group will be hosting an Iron Fly event at Smoke Brewing Co. in Lee's Summit, Missouri, from 1-6 PM.  This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for Frontline Fly Fishing and I have been fortunate enough to addend some events that organization has put on for years.  

The mission of Frontline Fly Fishing is to teach and develop fly fishing and related skills to promote healing for current and former military, first responders, and others.  I have seen this organization impact the lives of a lot of good people that have served this country and local communities.  I believe in supporting those closest to us first and to branch out to the rest of the world second.  If there was an organization that I was going to support, this would be the one.

The event will include tying challenges, an auction, and comradery between good folks and a sport we love.  I have personally donated some flies, a copy of my book, and a fly box for the auction.  I've also donated a gift certificate for either a 1/2 day guided fly fishing trip or an evening of tying flies together where I provide all of the materials and patterns.  Don't worry, I'm sure there will be better things than that at the event so don't base any conceived notions on your dislike of my donations.  So if you're free and want to hang out, tie some flies, and support an amazing organization, I would love to see you there and I'm sure Frontline members would too!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Thank You for Your Purchases & Sorry for the Low Inventory!

First of all, thank you to everyone that has been purchasing flies from the online fly shop!  I have been mailing out a lot of orders lately and the folks at the U.S. Post Office even know me by name now.  Business has been great and one day soon, I will share what I have been saving up for.  I'm pretty excited for an upcoming project but need some more funds before I start working on it.  It is going to be a fun project that is going to benefit a few different people!

Second, I am struggling to keep the inventory in the shop where it should be.  The beginning of the school year is a busy one for me.  I'm a middle school teacher and a father of a high school freshman as well as a fourth grader.  And if I'm being totally transparent, I've been spending my free time on the water as much as I can rather than at my vise, cranking out flies.  I know that fishing season will slow to a crawl soon, and I'm trying to enjoy my dwindling days on the water.  However, I'm going to start finding some time to fill the store's inventory back up soon and make more flies available for purchase.  To me, this is a good problem to have because it means that folks are purchasing my flies but I also need to get my rear in gear!

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Coolest Fly Box I Have Ever Seen!

When I was just getting into fly fishing, I was a gear head.  I bought every tool and item that I thought would make me a "real fly fisher" or would help me catch more fish.  After 20 years of fly fishing though, I don't buy much "stuff" anymore.  I have narrowed my collection of equipment down to what I really like and what use often.  It takes a pretty impressive item for me to think, "I need that!"  I ran across such an item at Foundry Fishing recently.  

First of all, I love fly boxes.  I love small fly boxes that can fit in a pocket just as much as I love fly boxes the size of suitcases that can hold lots of big streamers.  When I first saw the customizable fly boxes that Foundry Fishing is selling, it was love at first sight!  If you go to the website you will see that you have two options.  Option 1 involves you selecting one of two images that will adorn the front of the box which will also include your name.  Option 2 also includes your name on the front of the box but another option is for you to upload and image of your choosing to the site.  This image will be transferred to the front of the box by laser or some sort of etching.  

Along with the fly boxes, Foundry Fishing has some other amazing products.  If you search their products, you might find something that you're interested in.  I have a couple of Foundry shirts hanging in my closet and years ago, I even used to be a brand ambassador.  That was back when this was a smaller company that only sold a few stickers and t-shirt designs.  Foundry has grown a lot over the past few years and it seems like the company is always looking for innovative and creative products to offer anglers.  In case you were wondering, no, I am not being compensated in any way for this post.  I just like supporting small businesses when I can because so many folks have supported me in my endeavors.  In the future, be on the lookout for a follow up post because I'm going to buy a box (or two) pretty soon!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Corey's Dove Decoy System

If you frequently read this blog, you have seen and read about my buddy Corey.  He's a generous guy with a big heart.  He's also extremely intelligent, a craftsman, and loves to work on challenging projects.  So when we started discussing the idea of having some sort of apparatus to display dove decoys to enhance our dove hunting experience, I knew Corey was going to come up with a solid idea.  What I wasn't prepared for was how incredible his design and construction was going to be!

As you can see, Corey made a contraption that is lightweight, portable, and even extendable.  The decoys are attached to a piece of PVC that can be placed at 12 feet when it is at it's lowest height and almost 16 feet at it's highest point.  The frame is anchored to the ground with some rope and tent posts.  During our hunt last Monday, we hiked the apparatus into our hunting spot in one trip and had it set up in less than 5 minutes.  

I am amazed by what my friend made and I'm lucky to have a friend that is as crafty and passionate about the outdoors.  We need to give it some more time in the field to determine how well it works for drawing in doves.  However, the one dove that I shot on Monday was headed in the general direction of our decoys.  While I'm unable to use enough data to call this apparatus a wonderful success, it sure looks like it could be!