Monday, September 9, 2024

Thank You for Your Purchases & Sorry for the Low Inventory!

First of all, thank you to everyone that has been purchasing flies from the online fly shop!  I have been mailing out a lot of orders lately and the folks at the U.S. Post Office even know me by name now.  Business has been great and one day soon, I will share what I have been saving up for.  I'm pretty excited for an upcoming project but need some more funds before I start working on it.  It is going to be a fun project that is going to benefit a few different people!

Second, I am struggling to keep the inventory in the shop where it should be.  The beginning of the school year is a busy one for me.  I'm a middle school teacher and a father of a high school freshman as well as a fourth grader.  And if I'm being totally transparent, I've been spending my free time on the water as much as I can rather than at my vise, cranking out flies.  I know that fishing season will slow to a crawl soon, and I'm trying to enjoy my dwindling days on the water.  However, I'm going to start finding some time to fill the store's inventory back up soon and make more flies available for purchase.  To me, this is a good problem to have because it means that folks are purchasing my flies but I also need to get my rear in gear!

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