Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Hey guys, Busch and I have been working on some designs for a second t-shirt to help promote this site.  We've come up with a few ideas and I would GREATLY appreciate you feedback so we can print some shirts that you will like and appreciate.  There are three surveys located below and again, your feedback will decide what we end up printing.

Front of the Shirt Survey

Back of the Shirt Survey

In addition to the new shirts we are working on, there are three of the original shirts for sale right now at Rainbow Fly Shop in Independence, Missouri.  They include a streamer fly (The Brave), a couple of stickers, and a short note from myself.  They cost about $18 and I have a large and two extra larges left.  Grab them while you can because they are sure to become collector's items...for folks that collect fly fishing shirts that promote blogs run by guys that live in Missouri.  You know what, on second thought, they probably aren't collector's items.

1 comment:

  1. Fishing t-shirts are designed for comfort, durability, and sun protection on the water.
