Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Hank Patterson is Back!

Good gracious do I love me some Hank Patterson.  He is by far the funniest fly fishing comedian that I have ever seen.  It is inconsequential that he is the ONLY fly fishing comedian that I have ever seen because this guy "gets it".  Admittedly (and I am lumping myself into this) our sport is a little...quirky.  We catch fish and let them go sometimes, many of us are brand-loyal to a crazy degree, we sink huge sums of money to appreciate nature (which is free by the way), and we take a difficult task like fooling a fish into eating and make it harder by taking a hook and tying yarn, hair and feathers to it.  The whole thing lends itself to comedy pretty easily but Hank presents the humor in a variety of settings and perspectives.  With that in mind, I WISH I could share every video that Hank releases, but I try to keep this site as G-Rated as possible (and I don't mean that I try to make it gangster) and unfortunately there are some of his videos that are a little...colorful.  Anywho, somehow I missed a couple of product review videos that he released recently and another one from last May where he takes a few bait fishermen on a fly fishing expedition.  For your enjoyment, entertainment, and cringeworthy moments...I present to you Mr. Hank Patterson.  Feel free to subscribe to his YouTube channel as well.

YouTube Channel Link:

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