Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Mousing for Trout


Mousing for trout sounds awesome!  It is also something that I have never done before.  I've read about it, seen the pictures, and watched the videos.  What is keeping me from actually doing it, is twofold.  One, I live over 100 miles from trout water.  Two, I feel like you need to REALLY know a river well to fish it at night.  While I LOVE Lake Taneycomo, I just don't know it like the back of my hand yet.  One day, I'm going to do it and hopefully land a trout on a mouse.

Part of the allure of catching trout on mouse flies, to me, is to see a trout acting aggressively.  The experience of catching a trout that wanted to swim down a mouse fly and inhale it sounds exhilarating.  This is mostly due to the fact that most of the life of a trout is dedicated to consuming small, unassuming aquatic insects.  To observe a seemingly docile fish flip a switch and go into Shark Week mode sounds like an encounter that would be pretty memorable.

If you have done some mousing for trout or are thinking about it, Joe Cermele (one of my favorite writers and social media personalities) is here with some info to help.  I feel like it is always good to have more than enough information rather than not enough information before you try something new so I help this is beneficial.

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