Tuesday, August 24, 2021

And Then the Tip of My Orvis Clearwater Rod Broke!

Just like that, my new toy was broken.  If you frequent this site, you know what I'm talking about.  If you are new, the toy I am referring to is my 10 foot, 4 weight, Orvis Clearwater fly rod.  I have no idea how the tip of the fly rod broke.  I'm not just saying that either!  Orvis doesn't care how you broke your rod so I have nothing to hide.  I simply pulled it out of the case and noticed a funny angle on the end.  I touched it and the tip fell to the ground.  As you can see, it broke right behind the second guide.  

Upon returning home (only my third outing with the rod), I registered it with Orvis and completed the online replacement/repairs questionnaire.  The site informed me that I will be receiving a new tip section in the mail and that there is nothing else for me to do.  I'm glad that I don't have to go to the trouble of going to the post office, buying a box, and paying to ship it anywhere.  I've outlined a few more details below but please do not take this post as me bad-mouthing Orvis.  I understand that a lot of things are back-ordered right now and some things are just hard to get quickly in the world that we live in right now.  It is what it is.  I just thought I would share my experience with others in the off-hand chance that it is useful. 

Expected ship date: October 3

Cost: $60 handling fee but free shipping

Current status: waiting on shipment

1 comment:

  1. How awful! I was engaged in a conversation on FB about Clearwater rods breaking. He broke two. I was hoping to get one as some point. Sorry to hear
