Friday, August 27, 2021

Idea: A Small Fly Fishing Tournament with Buddies

I was perusing some different Facebook fishing groups the other day and ran across a post that I thought was pretty interesting.  The post described a small fishing tournament that a guy and some of his buddies hold once a year.  The picture you see above is the trophy (I think) and the winner each year has their name placed on a dog tag that is  added to the trophy.  I gotta think that these guys are current or former military but regardless, I thought this was pretty darn cool!  Then it got me thinking about hosting a similar tournament with some friends and family.  

I'm going back and forth on calling it the Friends and Family Fly Fishing Tournament or just The Bragging Rights Tournament.  I'm leaning towards Bragging Rights.  Then I got to thinking about some necessary details.  

I think a tournament like this has to be based on the one, heaviest fish caught for the day.  Fish would need to be weighed on digital scales for accuracy and there would need to be photographic evidence of catches.  Pictures on a phone are acceptable and probably the most easily taken/accessible.  I was thinking that a place like Watkins Mill would be perfect.  There are channel cats, bass, hybrid striped bass, and carp to catch.  Those species can get heavy enough to be declared "heavy" and there are lots of techniques to employ for those species.  

I also got to thinking about prizes/trophies.  Here are some ideas I had:

Find some old trophies and change the nameplates

Have a traveling toy WWE belt

A coffee mug that says "Bragging Rights Fly Fishing Tournament Champion" written in Sharpie.  We don't want to make things too classy.

The winner gets to record a video that will get posted on everyone's social media

I have some other ideas as well but these are the current leaders.  I will keep everyone posted on what transpires with the little competition but wanted to at least pass the idea along in case it inspired others.  In reality, it's just an excuse to bring friends and family together and share a nice day on the water.  It also injects a little competition and chances are, some good stories will come from the experience as well!

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