Monday, September 27, 2021

Stripping Bucket

I didn't get to fish a whole lot over the weekend but I did manage to hit up a pond on Friday night.  I was excited to try out a new idea for fly line management which is nothing more than a five gallon bucket.  I have always had problems with fly line getting snagged on my shoes and vegetation but with the addition of my dog. Waylon, as a fishing partner...well, it just means that there are more things for the line to get wrapped around.  My observation has been that if fly line can get caught on something, it will.  I was hopeful that my bucket would solve the problem.

I am excited to announce that it really did the trick.  It made life so much easier and allowed me to cast and strip line with minimal frustrations.  I learned that not only does the line fall into the bucket easily, but wet fly line wants to stick to the sides of the bucket!  Since water has some adhesive properties (yes, that sounds like a nerdy science teacher because I am one), it clings to the bucket which draws even more line to do the same thing.  In other words, water is sticky and this was helpful.  

The only drawback was that the bucket fell over a few times which was a bit of a pain.  Waylon would knock it over at times.  If the bucket was on uneven grout, it was also apt to tip.  If the bucket has a little weight at the bottom (water maybe?) then this problem could easily be solved.  With that being said, this might be the best $5 that I have even spend on fly fishing equipment!

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