Thursday, January 28, 2021

Fly Tester Assembly and Review

A few weeks ago I briefly mentioned in a post that my girlfriend Wendy got me a Flymen Fishing Company Fly Tester for Christmas.  After taking some time to read the directions, do some research, and methodically decide how to incorporate the tester into a post, I finally took the plunge.  Setup was pretty easy I watched the following videos from Fly Fishing the Ozarks and Mad River Outfitters.  If you purchase one or are thinking about buying one, I HIGHLY recommend that you watch these videos prior to seeing up your Fly Tester.  They were incredibly helpful and very well made videos. 

Fly Fishing the Ozarks YouTube Channel:

Mad River Outfitters YouTube Channel:

Here are some pictures that I took from my first experience with the Fly Tester.  I am in the process of editing a YouTube video and figuring out how to incorporate videos into my Etsy store.  You can expect to see more about this device in the future but I want to be very clear about something if you are considering buying a Fly Tester.  It's a toy...a fun toy, but a toy.  I does not perfectly simulated how your fly will behave in current on on a retrieve but it gets you in the ballpark of understanding how it will move in the water.  Again, it is a lot of fun and I have definitely changed the opinions of the some of the flies in my streamer box...some for the better and some for will be facing the sharp edge of a razor blade soon.  

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