Thursday, May 26, 2022

Life is Hard

Life is hard.  It is hard for everyone.  There isn't a charmed person on this planet that goes through life without rough patches.  And while hardships, challenges, and obstacles are not evenly distributed amongst individuals, everyone has them.  Make no mistake about it however, life has always been hard.  Finding food and shelter was hard for the Native Americans.  Plowing ground and raising cattle by the early North American settlers was tough.  Even in present day, life is tough.  For all the technology, opportunities, and comforts that we have created as societies, life is still a struggle.  It can be hard to deal with.  For those that have some sort of mental, emotional, or physical illness, those challenges are amplified.

When I ran across this video on The Fiberglass Manifesto, it really resonated with me for a lot of reasons.  If it strikes a chord with you, or if you know someone that would benefit from the words and experiences of James Sampsel (the featured individual in the video), please feel free to pass it along.  It seems like the stigma associated with mental health has started to fade in the last few years, but it still something that folks struggle with.  This is a beautifully made video with an amazing story.  Orvis did a fantastic job and I cannot praise the company and the staff that made the video enough for their efforts on this project.  I'm including the video below and a link to the Orvis YouTube Channel below if you would like to view more content.

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