Thursday, April 15, 2021

"Secret" Trout Flies

No, these are not secret flies because I bet you will recognize most of them and there's a chance that you have caught trout on almost all of them.  I know I have!  What made me laugh as I read the article was the fact that you can find almost all of these flies on the ends of angler's lines at almost every trout park in Missouri.  That is for good reason and it is because these flies work!  That's not a knock on what folks fish at trout parks either.  However, if you were to take these patterns to Yellowstone or wild trout streams out west, I wonder how effective they be and I don't state that sarcastically.  I'm serious.  

I'm getting off topic here and I apologize.  The point of this article is to describe some tried and proven trout patterns that should help you catch some fish and they will definitely work here in Missouri!  Whether you are a seasoned fly fisher or just learning, these flies could turn a bad day into a much better one!  Just watch where you use the Squirmy Worm.  That one could get you in trouble in a trout park if you fish it in the wrong zone.

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