Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Out of My Comfort Zone

In the last month, I have ran into an old high school friend more times than I have seen him in decades.  His name is Casey and he's a pretty darn cool dude.  We weren't really close in high school but now that we have grown up (a little) and developed similar passions for the outdoors, we have something in common and have a better friendship than we ever have.

While hanging out one evening at a fine establishment in our hometown of Kearney, Missouri, Casey asked me if I could tie him up some streamers for silver salmon.  He goes up to Alaska on a regular basis and would like to take some of my flies with him on his next trip.  Two things came to mind on this request.  1. I was incredibly flattered!  The fact that he trusts me to tie him up some flies on a trip that special makes me feel like he trusts me quite a bit.  2. I have no idea what I am doing here.  I know next to nothing about tying flies for salmon.  However, we only grow by putting ourselves in unfamiliar positions and learning through experiences.  I'm going to start my research today and I'll keep you posted on what I come up with.  If you have any patterns, websites, videos, etc. that you can share to help me on this journey, feel free to leave them in the comments section below!  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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